
'Panic' Room, by Tilt

No, I am not referring to the movie 'Panic Room' but to a hotel room which has created a lot of online fuss around it the last, just, 3 days. Au Vieux Panier Hotel, in Versailles, France,  let the artist Tilt to express his artistic talent in one of its room! So, the Panic Room was created, a room divided literally in half; half white and half full of graffiti!

Photos, taken just last month by designer and photographer Roudet Benjamin (Big Addict), speak for themselves! μιλούν από μόνες τους! Vividly coloured bombs, tags and throw-ups cover almost everything. They are not satisfied with the walls or ceiling but they spread on the floor, windows, curtains, bed, bedspreads, mirror even on some cacti, like a colourful graffiti-'tsunami'  that suddenly stopped at a strict line giving its place to total-white. Some framed graffiti seem to break the white-sided monotony and balance the other side of the room.

'The concept is six rooms for six artists. The idea is to sleep in an artwork. All rooms are changed every year. We just finished Season 3. Our website will be updated on Friday.' (tomorrow!), according to a hotel's representative. And she continues: 'The idea is to offer to artists a three-dimensional canvas and, on the other side, give the opportunity to visitors to see art in a different way, entering an artist's universe. We don't impose any theme, the artists have 'carte blanche' to express their creativity. In general, we close the hotel a whole month. It took about a week for Tilt to implement his creation'.

| via MyModernMet |

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